Saturday, September 21, 2013

Homecoming- Street Painting!

There's nothing better than the amount of enthusiasm you feel during Homecoming Week at Utah State!! The week was packed full of so many FUN ways to get involved and make a most memorable Homecoming Week! My very favorite part (Besides our Homecoming Game of Course) is always Street Painting! So you may be wondering what "Street Painting" exactly entails... Well:
The Sunday Night before Homecoming week there are different intersections throughout Logan and by campus that get shut down while we "Paint the Town Blue!" Then Monday- all different groups and clubs on campus gather on Aggie Bull-evard to paint the street! Everyone has a selected plot, a couple hours, and a set amount of paint! OH and it is a competition so it's a pretty big deal :) I LOVE street painting and it is open to ANYONE who wants to join! Definitely one of MANY highlights to my Homecoming week!

Painting on Main Street with The Student Alumni Association!


Alex and I having a grand time painting Aggie Bull-evard!
We started the week out with Street Painting but everything that followed it was AWESOME!
Some of which included:
A Chalk Dance-(If you've ever been to "Festival of Colors" it's similar to that but a dance)
A night of Live Music on campus!
Mr. USU-  This is a huge tradition of Homecoming week- basically a pageant for guys! This years theme was "Super Hero's" Congrats to all those who competed! It was quite the entertaining night! We saw everything from piano solos, to origami, to someone laying in a bed of nails! They were crazy sharp too! Let's just say it was a night to remember!
Powder Puff Games! 
Homecoming Dance!
I LOVE BEING AN AGGIE! Especially during Homecoming Week!
OH but of course we could not end Homecoming Week without the Special "True Aggie Night"
This True Aggie Night is one of the biggest because it is one of two nights during the year where Two people who aren't "True Aggies" can both become "True Aggies" by kissing on the A at Midnight! People were lining up at 10:30 to make sure they got up there! The line of couples was HUGE!  
I LOVE the traditions at Utah State and am SO Happy to be apart of them!!
Hope you all have a great week!
Keep on Keepin on!

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