Monday, October 28, 2013

Falling In love with Fall!

 Alright it's official:
Logan is beautiful!!
Times that beauty by ten and it equals right now because there is nothing better than Fall in Logan!  In my opinion, THIS is the most Wonderful time of the year! Here's a few of the MANY reasons why I love Autumn at Utah State!

1. Aggie Football Games!

It just doesn't get better than this!
2.Pumpkin Carving of Course!

I wish I could take credit for this masterpiece (It was free handed by The Tanner Tagg!) But unfortunately my pumpkin skills are slightly lacking! Either way- We would make a Big Blue Pumpkin at USU :)
3. Intramurals and Sunsets!

They're a big deal.

4. Corn Mazes and Haunted Walks!

There are so many corn mazes or other haunted type things to do within a five minute drive from campus!

5. Fall is EVERYWHERE!

There are SO many trees on campus and they all change into the most vibrant colors!  I didn't even know leaves could turn some of these colors. And then they all start to fall and it turns campus into an Autumn Dream!
So there you have it: some of the MANY reasons why you have got to experience this time of year in Logan! It's my favorite! Now there is that definite chill in the air reminding me that winter is right around the corner and coming fast but I am even excited to see what adventures the snow will bring! And you can be sure that for now I'm going to be enjoying every minute of this as I can!

Keep On Keepin' On!
Happy Fall!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Around the World!

So as I was walking to class this week I happened to walk through such a fun event going on right outside of the student center. Welcome to the Global Picnic!

The Global Picnic is an event set up right on campus that gives you the opportunity to try foods from all different cultures around the world! I only had a few minutes to stop in between one of my classes, but I LOVED every minute I was there! Each booth was set up to represent their club or group here on campus! The members of the club were there serving food and answering any questions you might have!
I enjoyed a DELICIOUS taco from the Latino Student Union! I'm gonna be honest... I was a little skeptical at first because it looked way spicy.... but it turned out to be just perfect! :)

And then we topped it all off with the
sweetest Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla ever!

There were so many different booths, it was hard to pick which ones to stop at in the short amount of time I had! However I was sooo
impressed with the ones that I did get to try!
And I was so excited to stumble upon the picnic
when I was least expecting it. It made my day!
You never know what adventures might show up in your day at
 Utah State!
Now it's the weekend and I'm definitely looking forward to the USU Boise State game tomorrow!!
Keep on keepin' on!
And have a great weekend!